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Overview/Description: The final assignment will synthesize what you have discovered about the different advanced practice roles and scope of practice found in the master of nursing curriculum: NP, nurse educator, nurse informaticist, and nurse administrator. You will review all roles and then examine the specialty(Family Nurse Practitioner)for which you were admitted, focusing on the scope of practice, core competencies, certification requirements, and legal aspects of practice for that specific role. You will also identify the practice environment and population you will be working with, as well as peers and colleagues. In addition, you will discuss your future leadership role and participation in professional organizations.
Your paper is to be based on current literature, standards of practice, core competencies, and certification bodies for your chosen role. The paper should be 1012 pages excluding the title and reference, and APA format is required.
Advanced Practice Roles in Nursing:Compare and contrast the roles of the NP, nurse educator, nurse informaticist, and nurse administrator in advanced practice nursing pertaining to clinical practice, primary care, education, administration, and research.Selected Advanced Practice Role:Examine regulatory and legal requirements for the state in which you plan to practice.Describe the professional organizations available for membership based on your selected role.Identify required competencies, including certification requirements for your selected role.Predict the organization and setting, population, and colleagues with whom you plan to work.Leadership Attributes of the Advanced Practice Role:Determine your leadership style (http://psychology.about.com/library/quiz/bl-leadershipquiz.htm).Identify leadership attributes you currently possess, and attributes you may need to develop.Determine how to attain and evaluate those missing attributes.Health Policy and the Advanced Practice RoleVisit the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (http://www.rwjf.org/en/about-rwjf/newsroom/features-and-articles/health-policy.html) and identify a health policy issue. Conduct a review of literature and address the following:Describe the current policy and what needs to change; justify your conclusions with citations from the literature.Provide the process required to make the change with key players and parties of interest.Explain how you could lead the effort to make or influence the change in policy.Predict the effect on healthcare quality if the change in policy is implemented.Submit your document to the W5 Assignment 2 Dropbox by Saturday, November 5, 2016.
Assignment 2 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsAdvanced Practice Roles in Nursing:Compared and contrasted the roles of the NP, nurse educator, nurse informaticist, and nurse administrator in advanced practice nursing pertaining to clinical practice, primary care, education, administration, and research.60Individual Advanced Practice Role (20 points each):Examined regulatory and legal requirements for the state in which you plan to practice.Described the professional organizations available for membership based on your selected role.Identified required competencies, including certification requirements for your selected role.Predicted the organization and setting, population, and colleagues with whom you plan to work.80Leadership Attributes of the Advanced Practice Role (20 points each):Determined your leadership style.Identified leadership attributes you currently possess and attributes you may need to develop.Determined how to attain and evaluate those missing attributes.60Health Policy and the Advanced Practice Role (20 points each):Visited the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and identified a health policy issue. Conducted a review of literature and addressed the following:Described the current policy and what needs to change; justified your conclusions with citations from the literature.Provided the process required to make the change with key players and parties of interest.Explained how you could lead the effort to make or influence the change in policy.Predicted the effect on healthcare quality if the change in policy is implemented.80APA Style/Format:Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in appropriate and accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. APA format was used.

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1 Identify the primary rhetorical mode the writer uses to develop the essay. Using the appropriate study file card(s) for guidance, discuss in paragraph form how you determined this mode to be dominant, and use examples from the essay to illustrate the mode. Briefly discuss how the mode is appropriate to the topic at hand. 20 marks

2.. Find examples in the essay of two other rhetorical modes used in conjunction with the central one. For each, identify which mode it demonstrates and quote the relevant example. Explain how you determined which mode each example demonstrated and how the use of this mode helps to develop and support the ideas presented in the essay and how it helps to further the author’s purpose. 20 marks

based on the essay :married to the Wong sex. by Jodi A. Shaw

“I have a right to be happy, don’t I?” Brady* says.

Across the table, I nod. “Of course.”

I haven’t seen him in years, and just hours ago on my way to the bank I caught a glimpse of something familiar — the 6’1″, 190-pound, dark and handsome Brady, a friend of mine from out of province. While in Victoria visiting family, he decided to spend a day in Nanaimo.

“I forgot you lived here,” he said. “It’s been so long.”

At the table, we drink coffee and share a salad. “You’re not wearing your wedding ring.”

He looks down at his hand, then back at me. “Well, you know, marriage is tough.”

And for Brady, it probably is. Very tough — after all, he is married to a woman.

Brady and I met when I was still in high school. He frequented the restaurant I worked at and was friends with my friend David.* In October 2000, David, who is “very gay,” invited me to a party at his apartment.

“Is it going to be a bunch of fags and me?” I asked.

David laughed. “A bunch of fags, Brady and you.”


“He’s not a fag, if you ask him,” David replied.

Until this point, I had known Brady for a year and had no idea he was gay. “Are you sure? Or do you just have a thing for him and hope he’s gay?”

David shook his head. “I shouldn’t have told you. No one knows. Hush hush.”

‘One of them’

Months later, Brady confided in me. He told me he didn’t want anyone to know, he didn’t want to be treated like “one of them.”

In 1969, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau decriminalized homosexuality. Since then, homosexuals have been fighting to be treated as equals: they want to get married.

In 2005, the same-sex marriage controversy climaxed when the House of Commons made Canada the third country to legalize same-sex marriage, passing Bill C-38 by a vote of 158 to 133.

Then–prime minister Paul Martin, under attack by opposition and religious groups for initiating legalization of same-sex marriage in all Canadian provinces and territories, said the “vote is about the Charter of Rights. We’re a nation of minorities and in a nation of minorities it is important that you don’t cherry-pick rights. A right is a right and that is what this vote is all about.”

“I was relieved,” Brady tells me. “It gives people the chance to love who they want to love and marry who they want to marry. That doesn’t mean it will be easy, though.”

The legalization of gay marriage provides options that Brady didn’t have when he got married two years ago. Brady met his wife, Laura*, at a church barbecue and they immediately became friends. Brady’s parents weren’t shy — at 27 he should be thinking about settling down and starting a family — and they really liked Laura.

“My family is Christian, my wife’s family is Christian. They have strong beliefs,” Brady says. He lowers his voice and leans towards me. “I rejoined the church a few years ago because I too have strong beliefs. I believe in being a good person and that God loves all his people. Even gays.”

In the know

“Do they know?” I ask.

Brady laughs, sips his coffee, then shakes his head. “Of course not. And they wouldn’t accept it either.”

I’m not so sure — Brady’s parents, whom I met several years ago at a birthday barbecue for him, are warm, friendly, and love their son.

“I heard them talk [about Bill C-38]. I know how they feel about [homosexuality]: ‘It’s abnormal. It’s perverted, a sin.'” Brady tells me that his entire family strongly opposes same-sex marriage because it threatens the “traditional definition of marriage” and goes against everything that is ‘natural.’ He recalls a family event where the topic came up. “They’re not rude or vulgar about it. They don’t say ‘fag’ or ‘queer’ – but they don’t think homosexuals can or should have families. If you can’t procreate, you can’t marry.”

Brady reaches into his pocket and pulls out his wallet. He opens it on the table. “My father thinks [homosexuals] can’t parent because [homosexuals] don’t know their [gender] roles, they don’t fit into a family.”

He smiles and pulls a picture out of his wallet. “If only he knew,” he says and shows me a picture of his 19-month-old child. “He thinks I’m a great father.”

At this point, Brady gets uncomfortable. He looks out the window, checks his watch, fidgets with the silverware, looks out the window again. “Hey,” I say as I hold the picture. “[Your child] is gorgeous. Congratulations.” I hand the picture back to him and he tucks it back into his wallet.

“When I heard you got married, I was surprised.” I look at him across the table, bite back a smile, and whisper, “I was like ‘That silly homo, what’s he doing with a girl?'”

Thankfully, my attempt to get a laugh out of him is successful. Brady doesn’t fit the stereotype of a gay male. Rather, he fits the stereotype of what is male — he likes cars, sports, beer, and working out. He started questioning his sexuality in high school. He played sports, was popular, and “always had girls hanging around.” He had a few girlfriends, but they never worked out. “I thought it was that our personalities just didn’t mesh,” he says. “Now I know it was because they had the wrong body parts.”

No one has ever questioned his “maleness” or his sexuality – except for himself. “I’ve always been a man, but I’ve always been [gay]. It’s nice to talk to someone who knows.”

“Your wife? I ask, thinking the obvious. “How can she not know?”

He shakes his head. “Our marriage is a fraud.” He stares into his coffee and turns the cup with his fingertips. “She really loves me. I can feel it. It makes it worse. Reminds me everyday that while I love her, I don’t love her the way I should. The way she thinks I do.”

We don’t talk for a few minutes. The waitress refills our coffee and we order cheesecake. “Do you think it looks like we’re on a date?” Brady asks. He tells me about his child, who is “growing amazingly fast”, and how incredible fatherhood is. “It changes everything. [My child] matters more to me than anything ever could. We’re actually expecting another.”

I don’t react.

“I know,” he says. “It’s the right thing to do.”

“What’s the right thing to do?”

I know what he means. He means the right thing to do is to preserve the “traditional definition of marriage” even if it means denying himself. I beg to differ. But, as he reminds me, I am not in his shoes and I don’t know what it’s like. I tell him I do know – I like men just as much as he does. “And let me tell you,” I say. “It’s not easy.” Baptized and raised Christian, Brady struggled for most of his life with his feelings and desires. Preserving the “traditional definition of marri ‘

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1 Identify the primary rhetorical mode the writer uses to develop the essay. Using the appropriate study file card(s) for guidance, discuss in paragraph form how you determined this mode to be dominant, and use examples from the essay to illustrate the mode. Briefly discuss how the mode is appropriate to the topic at hand. 20 marks

2.. Find examples in the essay of two other rhetorical modes used in conjunction with the central one. For each, identify which mode it demonstrates and quote the relevant example. Explain how you determined which mode each example demonstrated and how the use of this mode helps to develop and support the ideas presented in the essay and how it helps to further the author’s purpose. 20 marks

based on the essay :married to the Wong sex. by Jodi A. Shaw

“I have a right to be happy, don’t I?” Brady* says.

Across the table, I nod. “Of course.”

I haven’t seen him in years, and just hours ago on my way to the bank I caught a glimpse of something familiar — the 6’1″, 190-pound, dark and handsome Brady, a friend of mine from out of province. While in Victoria visiting family, he decided to spend a day in Nanaimo.

“I forgot you lived here,” he said. “It’s been so long.”

At the table, we drink coffee and share a salad. “You’re not wearing your wedding ring.”

He looks down at his hand, then back at me. “Well, you know, marriage is tough.”

And for Brady, it probably is. Very tough — after all, he is married to a woman.

Brady and I met when I was still in high school. He frequented the restaurant I worked at and was friends with my friend David.* In October 2000, David, who is “very gay,” invited me to a party at his apartment.

“Is it going to be a bunch of fags and me?” I asked.

David laughed. “A bunch of fags, Brady and you.”


“He’s not a fag, if you ask him,” David replied.

Until this point, I had known Brady for a year and had no idea he was gay. “Are you sure? Or do you just have a thing for him and hope he’s gay?”

David shook his head. “I shouldn’t have told you. No one knows. Hush hush.”

‘One of them’

Months later, Brady confided in me. He told me he didn’t want anyone to know, he didn’t want to be treated like “one of them.”

In 1969, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau decriminalized homosexuality. Since then, homosexuals have been fighting to be treated as equals: they want to get married.

In 2005, the same-sex marriage controversy climaxed when the House of Commons made Canada the third country to legalize same-sex marriage, passing Bill C-38 by a vote of 158 to 133.

Then–prime minister Paul Martin, under attack by opposition and religious groups for initiating legalization of same-sex marriage in all Canadian provinces and territories, said the “vote is about the Charter of Rights. We’re a nation of minorities and in a nation of minorities it is important that you don’t cherry-pick rights. A right is a right and that is what this vote is all about.”

“I was relieved,” Brady tells me. “It gives people the chance to love who they want to love and marry who they want to marry. That doesn’t mean it will be easy, though.”

The legalization of gay marriage provides options that Brady didn’t have when he got married two years ago. Brady met his wife, Laura*, at a church barbecue and they immediately became friends. Brady’s parents weren’t shy — at 27 he should be thinking about settling down and starting a family — and they really liked Laura.

“My family is Christian, my wife’s family is Christian. They have strong beliefs,” Brady says. He lowers his voice and leans towards me. “I rejoined the church a few years ago because I too have strong beliefs. I believe in being a good person and that God loves all his people. Even gays.”

In the know

“Do they know?” I ask.

Brady laughs, sips his coffee, then shakes his head. “Of course not. And they wouldn’t accept it either.”

I’m not so sure — Brady’s parents, whom I met several years ago at a birthday barbecue for him, are warm, friendly, and love their son.

“I heard them talk [about Bill C-38]. I know how they feel about [homosexuality]: ‘It’s abnormal. It’s perverted, a sin.'” Brady tells me that his entire family strongly opposes same-sex marriage because it threatens the “traditional definition of marriage” and goes against everything that is ‘natural.’ He recalls a family event where the topic came up. “They’re not rude or vulgar about it. They don’t say ‘fag’ or ‘queer’ – but they don’t think homosexuals can or should have families. If you can’t procreate, you can’t marry.”

Brady reaches into his pocket and pulls out his wallet. He opens it on the table. “My father thinks [homosexuals] can’t parent because [homosexuals] don’t know their [gender] roles, they don’t fit into a family.”

He smiles and pulls a picture out of his wallet. “If only he knew,” he says and shows me a picture of his 19-month-old child. “He thinks I’m a great father.”

At this point, Brady gets uncomfortable. He looks out the window, checks his watch, fidgets with the silverware, looks out the window again. “Hey,” I say as I hold the picture. “[Your child] is gorgeous. Congratulations.” I hand the picture back to him and he tucks it back into his wallet.

“When I heard you got married, I was surprised.” I look at him across the table, bite back a smile, and whisper, “I was like ‘That silly homo, what’s he doing with a girl?'”

Thankfully, my attempt to get a laugh out of him is successful. Brady doesn’t fit the stereotype of a gay male. Rather, he fits the stereotype of what is male — he likes cars, sports, beer, and working out. He started questioning his sexuality in high school. He played sports, was popular, and “always had girls hanging around.” He had a few girlfriends, but they never worked out. “I thought it was that our personalities just didn’t mesh,” he says. “Now I know it was because they had the wrong body parts.”

No one has ever questioned his “maleness” or his sexuality – except for himself. “I’ve always been a man, but I’ve always been [gay]. It’s nice to talk to someone who knows.”

“Your wife? I ask, thinking the obvious. “How can she not know?”

He shakes his head. “Our marriage is a fraud.” He stares into his coffee and turns the cup with his fingertips. “She really loves me. I can feel it. It makes it worse. Reminds me everyday that while I love her, I don’t love her the way I should. The way she thinks I do.”

We don’t talk for a few minutes. The waitress refills our coffee and we order cheesecake. “Do you think it looks like we’re on a date?” Brady asks. He tells me about his child, who is “growing amazingly fast”, and how incredible fatherhood is. “It changes everything. [My child] matters more to me than anything ever could. We’re actually expecting another.”

I don’t react.

“I know,” he says. “It’s the right thing to do.”

“What’s the right thing to do?”

I know what he means. He means the right thing to do is to preserve the “traditional definition of marriage” even if it means denying himself. I beg to differ. But, as he reminds me, I am not in his shoes and I don’t know what it’s like. I tell him I do know – I like men just as much as he does. “And let me tell you,” I say. “It’s not easy.” Baptized and raised Christian, Brady struggled for most of his life with his feelings and desires. Preserving the “traditional definition of marri ‘

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